Sunday, June 15, 2008

Chapter 2

We pulled up to a large blue house. Down the street the houses looked like the color of the rainbow. I saw this as just another home to live in since we were bound to move again. I got out of the truck and stretched. That was the longest yet that I have sat still. That meant I was getting more control over my powers.

"Come over here and help your dad" said Colter Soier.

I went over and helped Dad unload everything into the house. It took a day and a half. Then we sat in the living room surrounded by boxes. Then we unpacked everything. That took us three days. On the third day everything was in place and I was meeting everyone on the block. The one house that mattered the most to me was the house next door. In that house was the only kid on the street, and they were a girl.

Not that I have anything against girls but I still don't trust them since what happened in the second grade. Trust me don't go there. That day I went to the front door and rang the doorbell. This pretty red haired, blue eyed girl answered it.

I said, "H . Hi I'm Ben Soier. I moved in next door"

She said, "Nice to meet you Ben my name is Alli Spritz"

"ahhhh could we be friends"

"yeah I guess"

So we were friends. That was one of the first friends I had had in about half a year. That night I couldn't sleep. I was thinking. No one has know about my power yet. I wonder if I'll be able to ever trust someone with my secret. Then I fell asleep.

Monday, June 9, 2008

Chapter 1

I sat in the front seat of a truck. The plains rolled on forever. The calling of summer was on the wind. Although summer was on the way I was glum for this was the eighth move my Dad had to force on us. My Dad's name is Colter Soier but I call him Dad.

"How are you doing sport" my Dad's rough voice asked.

I said in my very changing thirteen year old voice, "same as always Dad"

"oh, well were moveing to Shapon City"

I had heard the name before and its not even a city its just a small town in the middle of the mountains. This was going to be the worst summer ever! Eventully the plains gave away to hills whitch turned to mountains.

"Dad, why do we have to move again"

"Because the Invent Co. moved my status" My dad works for an inventing company and he's an inventor. I just fear one of his inventions is going to cost one of us.

"Why do they always move you"

"Because they think that different places give different ideas"

There was a long silence before I asked, "Is it true wolves live in the mountains"

"Yah but there arn't to many wolves in the U.S. these days"

At that I just stared out the window again.